The Devil you know...
Update on the Ivy league: the very bad change in management has changed again! The bad choice woman was unceremoniously escorted out along with her husband and now we are in free-fall as far as getting things done is concerned, this is bad news for my and my job as nothing will get done for a while wich seriously undermines my boss's confidence in my abilities, ugh. But it really is true: What goes around comes around, I hope she is crying! But I also feel terrible for all the good people she so callously got rid of. My own department management has also changed, all my favorite people are gone and I don't know where I stand anymore.
on the flip side of change: my own life has improves a great deal!!! I met a really fun guy at a party who has energy and stamina I haven't encountered in years! WOW. Although he is not "my type" he makes me laugh and feels oh so good. Also an old college boyfriend is coming to town soon and we always have a great time rekindling and strolling down memory lane in more ways than one...
to further emphasize change I tore down a wall in my apartment when my roommate moved out, and now have a great big bedroom. Of course as with any construction (hell) nothing worked as planned: the paint was splattered all over the place, the dust will take a year to clear up and the new floor buckled and was subsequently nailed down (!!) and the new screen popped out of the window as it turns out it wasn't new but a used one that didn't quite fit... I hate my super with passion but don't have much of a choice so I just try to get along. Now I am waiting to have money to buy a bed and a closet so that I can move in, maybe next month...
I made $50 in poker last week!