
Liberated from evil

Free 2 B

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Re-Employed! (for 2 months).

Oh it is horrid, to think I even missed this for a while. I got this temp gig at my old workplace but this time in midtown. I get up at 7:00 so that I can be at work at 8:30 or 8:45, must be there before the minions that report to me (8) come in and to set a good example. Then I spend the entire day processing some crap and answer inane questions on the phone. I leave at 6 or sometimes 7:00, walk home unless the weather is too horrid and collapse by 10:30. Then I repeat the whole thing the next day.
It is amazing how working totally cuts into one's free time. My shoes were practically paying rent at the shoemaker's since I didn't have time to pick them up for 2 weeks. I see no meaning in this and can't imagine doing this for all eternity. No wonder people get drunk and beat their spouses and pets when they get home. On weekends I am too tired to do anything at all, so I no longer have a life :-(
I even gave up Poker! can't stay up that late (ggrrr) I am not a happy camper.

I still have a few things to do for her Oneness who appears to be spinning out of control again. She has rehired a couple of people but no one knows for how long. I am glad to be away from that whole madness. I think I need to sit down over christmas (2 days off) and take inventory of my life and where I am heading. This is all too depressing, there must be something good somewhere in all of this. Oh they misplaced my time sheet so I won't get paid for another 2 weeks (!) "Hope you don't mind.." I do mind! Jeez, now I am old, fat, and broke!

posted by svaka  # 10:24 PM


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