Tumble from Tightrope Injures Performer (news story in the NYT) Seems like it applies to me.
We played poker again last night and it seems like my run of good luck is turning, I lost $23.25. My very impure thoughts about one of my play mates (!) linger but are at times transferred to one of the other players. It helps to have the goddess there to distract them in case a thought bubble should suddenly appear over my head, showing what I am really thinking (dot dot dot).
Strange how sometimes the mind can trigger a physical reaction...
Yesterday was rather unusual. It started by the sudden arrival of her herness so I had to leave (not allowed to look at her). So I went to the park and sat around just basking in the sun and enjoying daylight, happy to be out of the dungeon for a bit, when I noticed a guy on the next bench had left his address book. I didn't see him anywhere so I started looking throuh it to see if his name and # was there so that I could call him. There was no name in the front just a bunch of business cards and the rest mostly British numbers. I started calling some of the local ones but no one knew who he was. It made me wonder if the people in my own book would know me from a vague desciption. I wasn't paying attention to what he looked like but kind of thought he might have been wearing glasses and thought he was probably British. It is strange to track the life of someone like this, he seemed to have something to do with antiques, was probably married or gay as there were hardly any women listed in the book, he had several contractors and a dentist on Madison Ave. Finally I reached a woman at Sotheby's (sp?) and we decided it would probably be best if I dropped the book of there as there were so many numbers listed for that fine establishment that someone might know him. I did and went on my merry way, hoping to build a little Karma for future favors I may need.