..if you want my body and you think i'm sexy...(door man singing softly on 79th street)
took a little trip down memory lane the other day and spoke with my old boyfriend (the love of my life), he got married!!!! to a horrible woman who used to hang around him like a dog. i guess all this waiting around will sometimes pay off. i know other women who have done that (get him used to your constant presence and never have an opinion etc) but i can't see myself ever doing it. jeez, i was with the guy for almost 7 years and still couldn't even move in with him. he is a terrific man and i know i my family is probably right in thinking i am an undeserving ingrate for not marrying him and moving to florida (the arm pit of the universe) but that is how it goes. i felt a slight twinge of regret when we spoke but deep down i know i did the right thing. speaking of memory lane, i also had calls from 2 other men who meant a lot to me once (a very busy lane this is), and it feels good to be on friendly terms with people who matter and to know i can always take a little trip to a happier time and place (rio here i come!).
so i had a job interview which went very well, but yet again they don't seem to have the funds in place to hire anyone. it is kind of yucky to get all worked up and then find out it was just exploratory on their part. not unlike dating men who are just checking to see if there is something more exciting than their current partners.
in the mean time my work at the house of horrors continues in a way. they seem to want to keep me around for some strange reason, but hey it is money so i keep at it. i had to work at home for a few day as her herness decided to actually spend a week in her ($30,000 a month) apartment. i am creating a data base of all her belongings so they can keep track of things. in a way i think this is futile since they still refuse to learn how to open email and everything is constantly faxed and fedexed all over the place and the concept of electronic management is completely alien to them. another day another dollar....
i had another odd experience, the wife of one of my dearest friends came to ny (staying with me) to try to forward her non-career by flirting heavily with some guy who may be able to help her out. i don't know this woman at all, have only met her once or twice, so i was un-prepared. she is like a child-woman, very cute, and in constant state of awe over everything. this really grated on my nerves, and i kept waiting for her to drop the act and just be normal, but she never did!! she has 3 kids, but looks like a kid herself. i think it is just me tho, she is actually very sweet, i am just not used to women being this way, but oddly enough it works very well with men. everywhere we went men would fall all over themselves to inform her of things, prompted by her wide-eyed innocence (!), and wanting to take her in hand. men are idiots!!!! she of course has not intentions of putting out, nor does she need to, and i must say that in-spite of detesting such blatant manipulations, i do admire how she has has managed to cultivate this persona to absolute perfection to get whatever she wants, so i don't think she is a dumb as i first thought. hmmm. i am probably being catty here. oh sure i know manipulative women, but with them everything is an act, but i think this one may actually be real...