Writing in bars, tried but true way to observe the (sometimes ridiculous) mating habits of my fellow-beings. Spent some time this evening at a local place which still allows smoking, alas it is is filled with the cigar-smoking idiot suit-men one never really wants to encounter. however there are amazing number of women who seem to be looking for just that... not that i blame the suits for their single-minded pursuit it is just the glaring difference in goals that gets to me. here are all these boring, dumb men chomping on big cigars (imaginary blow-jobs?) tossing around money to impress women who are but one step above hookers (if even that, some outfits beg to differ), who are looking for a meal ticket and the financial security of marriage. what drives these people? what compels this behavior? why are men and women so different in what they ultimately want? i am reduced to thinking it is some sort of a cultural abyss unique to america or some odd third-world country, i have no other explanation. is sex just a commodity, something to be traded for money? and if so then how does it differ from plain old street sex?
it is an age-old theory it is just so odd to look at it up-close. i observed a woman who clearly has invested a great deal in her pursuit (botox, implants, hair, gym, nips and tucks), she looked attentive to the drunken ramblings of a gross man who evidently had money to burn, judging from his choice of cigars (only the big expensive ones dude) and drink (single malt something with water!). her ring finger was painly and conspicously empty as she smoked a little lady cigar and nodded her head like a car decoration. i wonder if it will ulitimately be worth it, having to please this ugly sob on a regular basis, ugh, i'd rather die alone in the gutter.
some of the guys sidled up to talk to me: "reading the NYT, wow you must be really smart..." and of course the inevitable: "what do you do?" i delight in responding that yes i am too smart for you and i am a dominatrix. it is interesting to see their responses:
"wow, you don't look like a dominatrix..."
me: how many have you met?
they: none, but i'd like to...
me: you do understand that there is no sex involved?
they: what..??
i met a woman who has already been-there-done-that kind of girl, her only purpose in life now is to get revenge. she has made it a full-time occupation to find a lawyer to pursue her former husband and take all his money away from him. she has no profession, no interests, no life, but she is a woman scorned and she will not rest. she picks up some of these guys but rarely puts out, she thinks by witholding sex she will find a willing slave-marriage-minded man. she doesn't realize that by depriving herdelf of sexual pleasure, she also puses the suits towards the botox women who happily give blow-jobs. not that there is much pleasure to be found with wads of dollar bills. she never understands why they don't call her back. who knows maybe someone will call her back one of these days.
i also wonder about the people who have actually met and married and are now just plain misreable or resigned to their fate or contemplating divorce, how does all this work?
i think i am leaning more and more towards: fear being the great motivator in all of these connections. fear keeps people together and fear keeps people from getting together, it is really all just the same thing.
just another day in the odd life of the observations allowed by unemployment.