
Liberated from evil

Free 2 B

Monday, June 30, 2003

Yet another thing to be discovered in the world of the unemployed: it is really hot in my apartment during the day! I can see that running the AC will be expensive I might as well leave soon. I have decided to go to Argentina instead of Iran, it is winter there and that sounds GOOD at the moment. I really hate summer in NY, hot, sticky and nasty all the time, my apartment never cools down as it is on the top floor right under a tar roof so it functions pretty much like an oven and just stays hot throughout the night. I got a couple of new tattoos, one on my ankle and foot and one on my arm. The arm one is Icelandic magic rune and the other one an ancient Iraqi one (enemy one?) I get a lot of comments on all 4 from all kinds of people. I was walking down the street the other day and this little guy sidles up to me and wants to know what the tats mean, he himself had lovely tattoos clearly made in prison with a ball point pen or whatever they use there, we had a nice chat. Great way to meet people!!!
i have to figure out how to improve this blog to include pictures and responses!

posted by svaka  # 11:24 AM


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