Blood and fire!! well not quite, in fact not even an ordeal, more like liberation!!! i was fired from my dead-end horrible job and received a 'package' so it is more like winning the lottery. YAY! and to think if the boss who wants to be king (when he isn't kissing ass) would just have waited a couple of more weeks i would have quit and it wouldn't have cost them a dime. it is enough to almost make me believe in higher power, a divine intervention, life after death, karma and all that other stuff.
Wow i am thrilled to bits, could barely conceal a smile during the oh so difficult 'exit'. it was all very dramatic, i.e. you have 2 hours to get out, as if i would be moving millions of dollars to secret off-shore bank accounts and stealing trade secrets and perhaps even shredding incriminating documents, as if a bankrupt little instance in higher education would have any such things!!!
Hello freedom, hello opportunity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everything is everything..
feeling increasingly shut in and shut up by the every day worsening situation at the ivy league. it never ceases to amaze me how the least qualified and the most unpleasant people always manage to somehow claw their way to the top of every tier. i am getting deperate to find something else, anything else, but it is dismal out there at the moment. i feel almost sick at the thought of staying yet i am too poor to leave, i think that used to be called slavery...
at a meeting with the second in command and the pit boss it became clear to me why certain people moved up, they were the ones with the adoring smiles and gales of laughter at every inane thing that spewed out of his little mouth, ugh i'd rather eat garbage.