Blame it on the Bossa Nova... (old song lyric playing in my head).
I made final plans to go back to the motherland next week and actually bought a ticket. I have a feeling that her Oness's second in command will be less than thrilled so I don't think I'll be gainfully somewhat employed by the time I return. The second in command is without a doubt the worst manager I have ever encountered (and I have met quite a few). She seems to go out of her way to do everything in the most circuitous way possible and preferably have 2 or 3 different people do the same thing at all times, but overlapping so no one knows what to do, not to mention how irritating it is to various vendors and contractors. She is remarkably fond of playing Telephone (the game where info gets lost by passing through many different people) thus no messages ever get through in an even slightly comprehensible manner, to further add to the confusion she never seems to open or respond to emails and wants everything faxed, especially when one happens to be standing on a busy street corner, not that I even have a fax machine, (nor would I use one). Hence I received a message from a minion in a different state: "Her oneness is having some problems with some icons on her computer in x-state, please type up instructions and fax to the second in command in y-state who will then fax it to her..." I feel like I am speaking a different language or something since I have no idea what this could possibly mean. Oh well, I really, really need to get another gig. Luckily a couple of things may be in sight, so keep your fingers crossed.
Bad news is that I seem to have regained all the weight I lost in Mexico, or possibly it is excessive bloating from the humidity (I hope), ugh, so I must double the time I spend at the gym (ugh). Then again the general healthy living back in the motherland may shave it off again, hey at this point a haircut would probably take off 3 lbs, looking very shaggy these days...
Well, here's to great winnings at poker tomorrow!